
  • Release date : Apr 12 2018 - 13:29
  • View : 1611
  • Visitor : 65
  • Study time : Less than one minute

The 40th anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution

The office of the Vice-Chancellor of the International Affairs of the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences intends to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution. In order to further familiarize international students with the ideals and purposes of the Islamic Revolution and its great founder Imam Khomeini, a one day program will be organized with the corporation of the office of the Supreme Leader and the office of the Vice-Chancellor of the educational affairs.


 Date: February 6th, from 8:00 AM to to 2:00 Pm

- Visit of Sa’ad Abad Museums

- Visit of the Imam Khomeini resident and the Jamaran Museum

- Speech

- Lunch

- Donation of memorial gifts to the participants from the office of the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs

The international student guests who will participate in this event should complete the following form and reply to no later than 27/01/2018, with the subject of the Fajr festival. click here

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 57277